Recent Press Releases

Date Title
3/25/15 Thune Freight Rail Reform Bill Passes Commerce Committee
3/25/15 Thune Reintroduces Bill to Repeal Death Tax
3/24/15 Thune at Ag Hearing: Waters of the U.S. Rule Prime Example of EPA Overreach
3/24/15 Thune Ushers Through Final Approval of Critical Airspace Expansion
3/24/15 Thune Introduces Bill to Extend Successful Sport Fish & Boating Fund
3/24/15 Thune, Wyden Introduce Bill to Protect Innovative Digital Goods and Services from Multiple and Discriminatory Taxes
3/23/15 Thune Statement on Five-Year Anniversary of ObamaCare
3/20/15 Thune to DHS, DOL: H-2B Visa Fix Isn’t Good Enough
3/19/15 Thune and Nelson Introduce Bipartisan Freight Rail Reform Bill
3/19/15 ICYMI: What They’re Saying About the CASE Act
3/18/15 Thune to FCC: Can’t Apply Old Rules of Telecom to New World of Internet
3/18/15 Thune Calls on Senate Democrats to Support TPA
3/17/15 Democrats Choose Obstruction Over Progress on Human Trafficking Bill
3/17/15 Thune, Manchin Introduce Bill to Block Expensive EPA Regulation that Hinders Economic Opportunities
3/16/15 Thune Offers Amendment to Help Native American Child Trafficking Victims
3/12/15 Thune Leads Call for USDA, HHS to Include Lean Red Meat in 2015 Dietary Guidelines
3/12/15 Thune: Democrat Opposition to Human Trafficking Bill Unconscionable
3/10/15 Thune: Trafficking a Brutal Violation of the Innocent
3/10/15 Thune, Klobuchar Introduce Bill to Provide Licensure Clarity for Sports Medicine Professionals
3/10/15 Thune: ATF Overreach Could Limit Law-abiding Citizens’ Right to Bear Arms
3/9/15 Baldwin, Thune Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reduce Costs and Increase Efficiency in Healthcare Delivery
3/9/15 Thune: Don’t Jeopardize South Dakota Tourism Industry by Halting Important Work Visas
3/5/15 Thune, Klobuchar Requested Report Outlines Rail Service Challenges in Upper Midwest
3/4/15 Bipartisan, Bicameral Federal Impact Aid Bill Introduced to Streamline and Improve Program
3/4/15 Thune Votes to Support American Jobs