Recent Press Releases

Date Title
1/11/22 Thune: Democrats Threaten to Change the Rules if They Can’t Get Their Way
1/5/22 Thune: Democrats Want to Change the Rules in the Middle of the Game to Pass Radical Policies
1/4/22 Thune: Democrats Receive “F” on 2021 Report Card
12/16/21 As Inflation Soars, Thune, Boozman Lead Colleagues in Standing up for Farmers and Ranchers
12/16/21 Thune: Reckless Tax-and-Spending Spree Highlights Democrats’ Big-Government Vision for the Future
12/16/21 Thune, McClain Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Protect Toddlers From Federal Mandates
12/15/21 Thune Applauds Senate Passage of Annual Defense Bill, Ellsworth Funding
12/14/21 Thune, Smith, Rounds, Tester Introduce Legislation to Encourage Homeownership Across Indian Country
12/14/21 Thune: Democrats Double Down on Failed Policies That Have Created Record-High Inflation
12/14/21 Thune, Smith Bill to Provide Financial Stability to Federally Impacted School Districts Unanimously Passes Senate
12/9/21 Thune, Luján Lead Fight For Cattle Producers, Demand Halt of Brazilian Fresh Beef Imports
12/9/21 Thune: Democrats Move to Double the Size of the IRS, Jeopardize Taxpayers’ Privacy
12/9/21 Thune Questions Industry Experts on Big Tech’s Use of Persuasive Technology and Secret Algorithms
12/8/21 Thune, Markey Introduce Bill to Support Efforts to Crack Down on Illegal Robocall Scams
12/8/21 Thune, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Ban ‘Dark Patterns’
12/8/21 Senate Vote Will Highlight Bipartisan Opposition to Biden’s Overreaching Federal Vaccine Mandate
12/8/21 Thune: South Dakotans Pay the Price at the Pump Amid Biden’s Energy Crisis
12/7/21 Thune Honors Two Members of the Greatest Generation: South Dakotan Marcella LeBeau and Former Senator Bob Dole
12/7/21 Thune: Democrats Give Millionaires Massive Tax Breaks, Working Families Left in the Dust
12/6/21 Thune to Oppose Rosenworcel as FCC Chair
12/3/21 Thune, Stabenow Applaud USDA’s Announcement to Give Producers More Flexibility on Prevented Plant Acres
12/1/21 Thune, Tester Lead Colleagues in Requesting Assistance for Livestock Producers Affected by Drought
11/30/21 Thune: We Must Stand Up For the Human Rights of Unborn Americans
11/23/21 Thune, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect, Expand Rural Broadband Access
11/19/21 Thune, Moran Lead Colleagues in Raising Concerns Over New Container Shipping Fees at Ports