Recent Press Releases

Date Title
11/9/17 Senate Tax Reform Plan Would Help Middle-Income South Dakotans, Farmers and Ranchers
11/8/17 Thune Presses Current and Former Leaders of Equifax and Yahoo! in Commerce Hearing Examining Data Breaches
11/7/17 Thune: Tax Reform Will Increase Economic Growth
11/6/17 ICYMI: Thune Discusses South Dakota History, Economy, and Politics on C-SPAN
11/2/17 Thune, Senate Health IT Working Group Members Reintroduce Legislation to Improve Meaningful Use Program
11/2/17 Thune Applauds House Proposal on Tax Reform
11/2/17 Thune, Bennet, Gardner Introduce Bill to Protect Utility Infrastructure from Wildfire Damage
10/31/17 Thune: New International Tax System Would Help American Small Businesses
10/31/17 Thune Talks Transportation, Cyber, and Border Security Challenges with Department of Homeland Security Nominee Kirstjen Nielsen
10/26/17 Thune Statement on President Trump’s Opioid Public Health Emergency Declaration
10/25/17 Thune, Colleagues Unveil Wildfire Prevention Legislation
10/24/17 Thune: Tax Reform Will Increase Economic Opportunities for Middle-Income Americans
10/20/17 Thune Welcomes EPA Administrator’s Commitment to Renewable Fuel Standard
10/19/17 Thune Statement on Passage of the FY 2018 Budget Resolution
10/19/17 Thune: The Death Tax Looms Over South Dakota’s Farmers and Ranchers
10/18/17 Thune, Klobuchar Introduce Bill to Strengthen Reliable Home Heating Act
10/11/17 Thune Sends Inquiry to Alleged Mastermind of 100 Million Robocalls
10/10/17 Thune Statement on the Withdrawal of EPA’s Clean Power Plan Rule
10/4/17 Thune: Tax Reform Will Make America More Competitive in the Global Economy
10/4/17 Thune’s Autonomous Vehicle and TSA Aviation Security Bills Pass Commerce Committee
10/4/17 Thune and Noem Lead Bipartisan, Bicameral Effort to Expand Sodsaver Initiative
9/28/17 Thune Introduces Bill to Reform TSA Aviation Security
9/28/17 Thune: Tax Reform Will Provide Relief to the Middle Class
9/28/17 Thune Introduces Bipartisan Autonomous Vehicle Legislation
9/27/17 Thune-Supported Provisions to Address Chronic Illness Included in Senate-Passed Bill