Recent Press Releases

Date Title
4/13/11 Thune Reminds South Dakota Producers of CRP Signup Deadline
4/12/11 Thune Reintroduces Bill to Prevent Unfair Government Competition with Private Sector
4/11/11 Thune Reintroduces Legislation to Encourage Biofuel Production from National Forests
4/7/11 Thune Calls for Department of Labor Investigation into SD Mine Inspections
4/7/11 Thune Named Ranking Member of Agriculture Subcommittee
4/6/11 Effort to Increase Job Creation, Decrease Energy Prices Fails in U.S. Senate
4/4/11 Senators Thune and Graham Introduce Bill to Repeal CLASS Act
3/23/11 Failure of Obamacare Apparent on One-Year Anniversary
3/21/11 CBO Says Obama's Budget Worse than Predicted
3/16/11 Thune Requests Budget Hearing on CLASS Act
3/14/11 Thune Receives "Friend of Farm Bureau" Award for 111th Congress
3/9/11 Thune Votes to Save $57 Billion of Taxpayer Money
3/8/11 Thune Reintroduces Bipartisan Bill to Improve Rural Health Care
3/2/11 Thune Reintroduces Sweeping Budget Reform Bill
2/25/11 Senator Thune Named Ranking Member of Commerce Subcommittee
2/23/11 Senator Thune's Office Accepting Summer Internship Applications
2/16/11 Thune Cosponsors Resolution to Repeal Internet Regulations
2/16/11 Thune Selected to Serve as Ranking Member of Finance Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness
2/16/11 Senators Thune, Klobuchar to Serve as Co-chairs of Bipartisan Congressional Farmer Cooperative Caucus
2/14/11 President Obama's Budget Fails to Deliver Meaningful Spending Cuts
2/2/11 Senate Fails to Repeal Unconstitutional Health Care Law
1/31/11 Thune Cosponsors Bill to Prevent Federal Power Grab
1/27/11 Thune Announces Committee Assignments for 112th Congress
1/21/11 Thune Comments on EPA's E15 Announcement
12/22/10 New START Ratified by Senate Despite Significant Flaws