Recent Press Releases

Date Title
1/31/06 Thune: Alito's Confirmation Worthy, Overdue
1/26/06 Senator Thune Introduces Resolution to Withhold U.S. Aid to Palestinian Authority
1/24/06 Thune Calls on CMS to Ensure South Dakota, Pharmacies Receive Fair Compensation for Medicaid/Medicare Part D Transition
1/24/06 Thune Urges Senate Democrats to Confirm Alito in Timely Manner
1/20/06 Thune Urges Majority Leader to Bring LIHEAP Legislation to the Senate Floor
1/20/06 Thune Statement Regarding U.S. Beef Exports to Japan
1/6/06 Senator Thune to Join Congressional Delegation Trip to South America to Review Trade, Agricultural Issues
1/5/06 Senator Thune Applauds Administration's Decision to Provide Emergency Energy Assistance Funds to Low-Income Families
12/23/05 Senator Thune Made Last Ditch Effort to Keep Wagner Service Unit ER Open
12/22/05 Thune: Senate Passes Authorization to Implement Critical Defense Programs for Ellsworth, South Dakota Air National Guard, Veterans
12/22/05 Senate Democrats Block $2 Billion for Additional LIHEAP Funding with Filibuster
12/21/05 Thune Announces Funding for Defense Projects to Benefit South Dakota
12/21/05 Thune: Senate Democrats Block Vote on ANWR and $2 billion for LIHEAP Funding
12/21/05 Thune: Democrats Delay Legislation to Trim Nearly $40 Billion from National Deficit
12/20/05 Thune Comments on Disaster Funding
12/19/05 Thune: End the Obstruction
12/19/05 Thune Expresses Disappointment in House's Failure to Include Agriculture Disaster Relief
12/16/05 Thune Meets with Bush, Cheney, Top Advisors to Discuss Ongoing Efforts in Iraq
12/15/05 Senators Thune and Johnson Discuss South Dakota's Funding Priorities with OMB Director
12/13/05 Thune Calls for Timely Passage of Bill to Reauthorize PATRIOT Act
12/12/05 Senators Thune and Johnson Fight for Rural Health Care Funding
12/12/05 Thune: Japan Lifts Ban on U.S. Beef
12/9/05 Thune Announces $103,108 Grant for the Yankton Fire Department
12/9/05 Thune Announces $132,358 Grant for the Viborg Fire Department
12/9/05 Thune Announces $52,526 Grant for the Rosedale Fire Department