Recent Press Releases

Date Title
3/12/14 Following Pressure From Thune, OMB Announces Restoration of Funding to Sportsmen Trust Funds
3/6/14 Thune/Klobuchar Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Address Propane and Heating Fuel Shortages
3/5/14 Thune Blasts Latest ObamaCare Union Favor
3/5/14 Thune: New ObamaCare Delay an Obvious Attempt to Save Vulnerable Democrats’ Jobs
3/4/14 Obama’s Lame-Duck Budget Will Grow Government While Middle Class Shrinks
2/27/14 Thune Introduces Amendment Requiring GAO Review of VA Hospital Closures
2/26/14 Majority Leader Dismisses Americans’ ObamaCare Horror Stories as ‘Untrue’
2/26/14 Senators Reauthorize Critical Drought Information Program to Protect Farmers, Ranchers, and Local Communities
2/25/14 Thune Introduces Bill to Help Create Jobs for Long-Term Unemployed
2/25/14 Obama Administration Changes to Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug Program Harmful to America’s Seniors
2/21/14 Thune: Seniors Are the Latest Victims of ObamaCare
2/19/14 Thune’s Office Accepting Summer Internship Applications
2/18/14 New CBO Report: Democrats’ Proposed Minimum Wage Hike Could Result in up to 1 Million Fewer Jobs
2/17/14 Thune Statement in Advance of Five-Year Anniversary of Stimulus
2/14/14 Following Pressure from Thune, USDA Announces Livestock Disaster Assistance Available in 60 days
2/12/14 Thune Introduces Legislation to Protect Olympic and Paralympic Medalists from Federal Tax
2/11/14 Senate Passes Bill to Preserve Rural Access to Therapy Services
2/10/14 Thune Statement on Latest ObamaCare Delay
2/7/14 Thune Urges President to Engage Federal Agencies in Propane Shortage Relief Efforts
2/5/14 Thune, Heitkamp Lead Colleagues in Calling for Vilsack to Expedite Implementation of Livestock Disaster Programs
2/4/14 Senate Passes 2014 Farm Bill
1/31/14 Following New Report, Thune Again Calls on President Obama to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline
1/30/14 Thune to President Obama: Middle and Lower-Income Families Hit Hardest by Bad Energy Policies
1/28/14 Thune Reacts to President Obama’s State of the Union Address
1/28/14 Thune Previews the President’s State of the Union Address