Recent Press Releases

Date Title
4/20/23 Thune Leads Colleagues in Demanding NTIA Remove Liberal Wish-List Items From Its Broadband Funding
4/20/23 Thune: Julie Su is the Wrong Choice to Lead the U.S. Department of Labor
4/19/23 Thune Presses IRS Commissioner on Misguided Agency Priorities
4/19/23 Thune Discusses Bipartisan Effort to Tackle Foreign-Adversary Technology Threats Like TikTok
4/18/23 Thune: Tax Day Highlights Need for Greater IRS Accountability and Oversight
3/31/23 Thune, Colleagues Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Access to Rural Broadband
3/31/23 Thune, Rosen Introduce Bill to Fix Deeply Flawed Broadband Map, Ensure all States Receive Fair Share of Funding for High-Speed Internet
3/30/23 Thune Leads Effort to Permanently Repeal the Death Tax
3/30/23 Thune: Bipartisanship and Compromise are Key Pillars That Should be Safeguarded, Not Threatened
3/29/23 Thune: The PHIT Act Would Help Lower Fitness Costs for Americans
3/28/23 Thune-Sinema Bill Would Prevent Regulation of Livestock Emissions
3/28/23 Thune: Strong National Defense is Our Core Responsibility
3/28/23 Thune: Republicans Will Continue Fighting for Energy and National Security
3/23/23 Thune: America Needs to Lead on Trade
3/22/23 Thune Discusses Bill to Combat National Security Risks From Foreign Adversary Technologies
3/22/23 Thune-Ernst Bill Would Prohibit Government Monitoring of Livestock Emissions, Block Radical Climate Policies
3/22/23 Thune: Policy Changes that Affect National Security Must be Considered Carefully
3/21/23 Thune Leads Effort to Block Unfair IRS Audits That Target Firearm Sales
3/16/23 Thune on Fox News: Where Were the Regulators?
3/16/23 Thune Discusses Biden’s Extreme Use of Regulatory Power
3/16/23 Thune, Lankford Introduce Regulatory Reform Bill
3/15/23 Thune: President’s Budget Priorities are Dead Wrong
3/15/23 Thune Bill Would Expedite Urgently Needed Forest Management on Federal Lands
3/15/23 Thune: Biden’s Budget is the Wrong Prescription for Our Country
3/14/23 Thune, Murphy, Kelly, Panetta Introduce Bill to Incentivize Healthy Living and Physical Activity