Recent Press Releases

Date Title
3/3/05 Thune to visit Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
3/2/05 Senator John Thune statement on U.S. District Court Ruling to Block Canadian Cattle Imports
2/28/05 Thune announces $7.5m grants for South Dakota airports
2/27/05 Thune moves to permanent Senate offices
2/23/05 Thune announces Homeland Security grant for Murdo
2/23/05 Thune to welcome home troops from Iraq
2/18/05 Thune introduces legislation for Native American college grants
2/17/05 Thune statement on Negroponte nomination
2/17/05 Thune: ‘Let’s not dismiss or attack individual ideas as being inadequate’
2/16/05 Frist appoints Thune to High Tech Task Force
2/16/05 Thune announces grants for South Dakota fire departments
2/15/05 U.S. must reject artificial withdrawal timelines, Thune tells Senate
2/11/05 Thune Announces USDA loans for South Dakota communities
2/10/05 Thune lauds Class Action Reform passage
2/10/05 Thune calls on Senate to solve problems in first floor speech
2/9/05 Thune joins Congressional health coalitions
2/7/05 Thune compliments U.S. troops, Iraqi security forces
2/4/05 Thune co-sponsors bill to limit Canadian beef imports
2/4/05 Thune Announces Rapid City Staff
2/3/05 SD Delegation Introduces Wind Cave Legislation
2/3/05 Thune Statement on State of the Union
2/1/05 Thune to visit South Dakota troops in Iraq
1/31/05 Thune Announces USDA Grant to Improve Clay County Water Supply
1/28/05 Thune calls upcoming Iraqi elections "a great milestone"
1/26/05 Thune unveils new bipartisan, bicameral drug reimportation legislation