Recent Press Releases

Date Title
3/7/06 Senator Thune Comments on Ways to Reduce America's Dependence on Oil
3/7/06 Johnson, Thune and Herseth Continue to Fight for Ellsworth Call Center
3/2/06 Thune Votes to Reauthorize PATRIOT Act
3/2/06 Thune Signs Letter Supporting Defense Funding Increase
3/1/06 Thune Fights for Pine Ridge COPS Money
3/1/06 Thune Applauds U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Decision Not to Conduct Spring Pulse
3/1/06 EPA Seeks Update to the Clean Air Act to Greatly Increase U.S. Ethanol Production
2/28/06 Senator Dayton Issues an Apology to Senator Thune
2/28/06 Thune Praises South Dakota's Business-Friendly Tax System
2/28/06 Minnesota's Dayton: "The Mayo Clinic is worth a hell of a lot more than the whole state of South Dakota."
2/22/06 Thune Unveils Major Initiative to Bring Future Missions to Ellsworth
2/16/06 Thune Discusses Future Ellsworth Missions with Top Air Force Official
2/15/06 House Passes Thune Resolution to Withhold Aid from Hamas-Controlled Palestinian Authorit
2/15/06 Thune Statement on STB's Approval of Major South Dakota Rail Project
2/9/06 Thune Urges Japanese Leaders to Drop Double-Standard, Resume Beef Trade with U.S.
2/6/06 Lewis and Clark Set to Receive Record-Setting Funding
2/6/06 Thune Announces Disaster Assistance for Small Businesses
2/3/06 Johnson, Thune Support DoD Reversal on National Guard Budget Cuts
2/2/06 Thune Praises CMS Decision to Reimburse States for Prescription Drug Startup Costs
2/1/06 Senator Thune Comments on President's Ethanol Initiative
2/1/06 Senate Passes Thune-Lieberman Resolution to Withhold Aid from Hamas-Controlled Palestinian Authority
1/31/06 Thune: Alito's Confirmation Worthy, Overdue
1/26/06 Senator Thune Introduces Resolution to Withhold U.S. Aid to Palestinian Authority
1/24/06 Thune Calls on CMS to Ensure South Dakota, Pharmacies Receive Fair Compensation for Medicaid/Medicare Part D Transition
1/24/06 Thune Urges Senate Democrats to Confirm Alito in Timely Manner