Recent Press Releases

Date Title
2/25/10 Thune Announces Newer Fighter Jets Coming to Joe Foss Field
2/24/10 Klobuchar, Thune Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Privacy and Security for Internet Users
2/8/10 Thune Announces Funding to Fight Pine Beetles
2/4/10 House Democrats Block Vote on Thune Measure to End TARP
2/3/10 Agriculture Department Proposes Rule for Thune Biofuels Program
2/3/10 Obama Administration Sets Bad Precedent for Biofuels Industry
2/1/10 Thune: President's Budget Would Add Staggering Debt, Not Jobs
1/28/10 Thune: Missed Opportunity to Restore Fiscal Responsibility
1/27/10 Senator Thune's Statement on the President's State of the Union Address
1/26/10 National Association of Wheat Growers Honor Thune
1/21/10 Senate Defeats Bipartisan Thune Amendment
1/21/10 Thune Supports Bipartisan Resolution to Stop EPA Backdoor Energy Tax
1/21/10 Thune Supports Tax Incentive for Donations to Haiti Relief Efforts
1/21/10 Thune Highlights Ag Groups' Support of Resolution Disapproving of EPA Energy Tax
1/20/10 Thune Amendment to End TARP to Receive Vote
1/19/10 Thune Urges Support for Haitian Adoptions
1/19/10 Thune Joins Colleagues in Support for Haitian Adoptions
1/14/10 Thune Highlights TARP Oversight Report
1/7/10 Thune Calls for Transparency in Health Care Conference Negotiations
1/4/10 Thune Announces Disaster Relief Assistance Available for South Dakota Producers
12/17/09 Thune Urges Forest Service to Direct Funding to Fight Black Hills Pine Beetle Epidemic
12/17/09 Rail Reform Bill Passes Senate Commerce Committee
12/17/09 Thune Amendment to Prohibit Misuse of TARP Funds Adopted
12/16/09 Senate Democrats Defeat Thune Proposal to Remove Budget Gimmicks from Health Care Bill
12/16/09 Senator Thune Touts New Rail Reform Bill