Washington, D.C. —
Senator John Thune today applauded the South Dakota National Guard’s Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 147th Field Artillery for their efforts in training Iraqi Army leaders in managing maintenance operations. The South Dakota Guard unit was selected for this honor because it outscored all other maintenance sections at Contingency Operating Base Adder and easily surpassed all maintenance benchmarks.
“The men and women of the South Dakota National Guard are making tremendous contributions to the growing stability in Iraq,” said Thune. “Bravo Battery was selected to demonstrate their exceptional skill at maintenance operations for Iraqi Army leaders so that they can become more self-sustaining in the future. I am eternally grateful for all of those South Dakotans who are serving overseas, and I am glad to see their excellence is being recognized.”
Soldiers in Bravo Battery’s maintenance team provided a briefing for Iraqi leaders regarding the unit’s daily maintenance routine and led a tour of the unit’s parts and tools facility.
“The men and women of the South Dakota National Guard are making tremendous contributions to the growing stability in Iraq,” said Thune. “Bravo Battery was selected to demonstrate their exceptional skill at maintenance operations for Iraqi Army leaders so that they can become more self-sustaining in the future. I am eternally grateful for all of those South Dakotans who are serving overseas, and I am glad to see their excellence is being recognized.”
Soldiers in Bravo Battery’s maintenance team provided a briefing for Iraqi leaders regarding the unit’s daily maintenance routine and led a tour of the unit’s parts and tools facility.