The month of May is a special time to honor the brave men and women who serve and who have served our country in uniform. The entire month is observed as Military Appreciation Month. We also celebrate Armed Forces Day and honor the fallen on Memorial Day.
In his first inaugural address, President Eisenhower, himself an accomplished general, said, “We must be ready to dare all for our country. For history does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.” If you want to see these words in action, just look to the men and women of the United States military.
Many military members join the service at a young age, often right after high school or college. They choose a path different from many of their peers. They subject themselves to a life of regimentation and roll calls. They embrace challenging physical and mental demands. And they choose a life that asks them to forgo comfort for sacrifice, up to and including the sacrifice of their own lives.
Many of us don’t see their sacrifices or the sacrifices that their families make along with them. It can be easy to forget as we go about our daily lives that our lives of freedom are only possible because of the men and women who spend their lives defending our country.
During Military Appreciation Month, my thoughts turn to South Dakotans serving in the armed forces, especially the South Dakota National Guard and the airmen at Ellsworth Air Force Base. They represent the very best of our state, and I am grateful every day for their service and sacrifice. South Dakotans know and value the sacrifices that our military families make, and I am tremendously proud of how the Black Hills Region has worked to support our airmen and National Guard Members, earning national recognition.
Memorial Day in particular is an occasion to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our country. These brave Americans gave their lives for our country and for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. It’s a debt that we can never fully repay, and we owe it to them to recommit ourselves to living lives worthy of their sacrifice.
“[H]istory does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.” The men and women of the United States military stand strong – ready to answer the call when their country needs them. We owe them all a great debt for securing our freedoms and defending our country. May God bless and protect the men and women of the United States military, and may He continue to bless America.