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Thune: Welcome to Schumer’s Summer of Show Votes

“Under the guise of protecting access to contraception – something that is not under threat – the Democrat leader is bringing up legislation that would not only funnel money to Democrats’ allies at Planned Parenthood but would wipe out conscience protections for health care providers.”

June 5, 2024

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today spoke on the Senate floor about Senate Democrats’ plan to force show votes on bills that are designed to score political points, not become law. Their latest attempt is a bill threatening to violate Americans’ conscience rights. Thune noted that if Leader Schumer was actually interested in making a law, he would allow a vote on Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R-Iowa) pro-contraception legislation, which could gain bipartisan support.

Thune’s remarks below (as prepared for delivery):

“Well, Mr. President, it’s about time for Democrats’ weekly exercise in election-year politics.

“Later today we will take up another bill intended to provide a talking point for Democrat candidates – and, the Democrat leader hopes, put Republicans in a tight spot.

“But if he thinks to see Republicans quaking in their boots over being asked to take these votes, he should think again.

“Because, Mr. President, we welcome a chance to talk about the Democrat agenda.

“Take this afternoon’s exercise.

“Under the guise of protecting access to contraception – something that is not under threat – the Democrat leader is bringing up legislation that would not only funnel money to Democrats’ allies at Planned Parenthood but would wipe out conscience protections for health care providers.

“The bill specifically targets the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, bipartisan legislation passed in 1993, back when Democrats actually believed in protecting our First Amendment freedoms.

“And this is not the first time Democrats have attempted to carve out sweeping exceptions to this once widely supported legislation.

“Apparently Americans are free to live out their deeply held moral and religious beliefs – when they don’t conflict with Democrats’ policy positions.

“Mr. President, it is deeply disturbing that the Democrat leader has gone from sponsoring the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to attempting to decide when and how Americans can exercise one of their fundamental First Amendment rights.

“And if the Democrat leader thinks that Republicans are intimidated to cast a vote against legislation that could seriously imperil Americans’ ability to live according to their consciences, well, as I said, he should think again.

“Mr. President, I suspect there are few Americans who don’t recognize the Democrat leader’s politicking for exactly what it is.

“Just as I suspect there are few Americans who bought Democrats’ border-legislation ploy two weeks ago.

“The Democrat leader apparently thought that he could erase Americans’ memory of three-plus years of chaos at the southern border under President Biden by bringing up a vote on a border bill that he knew would not be able to pass the Senate.

“But I think he’ll find that Americans’ memories are more retentive than that.

“Three years of national security crisis were not wiped out by a show vote intended to provide electoral cover to Democrats.

“Just as they won’t be wiped out by President Biden’s latest election-year ploy – an executive order to implement border restrictions the likes of which he should have implemented years ago.

“If anything, any improvements at the border stemming from the president’s latest measure will only serve to highlight the president’s failure to address this crisis earlier – and the needless danger to which he has subjected Americans.

“Mr. President, I mentioned that the Democrat leader knew his border show vote would fail – just as he knows his Planned-Parenthood-subsidy, anti-religious-freedom legislation will fail this afternoon.

“And that of course points to the fundamental unseriousness of what the Democrat leader is doing.

“If the Democrat leader had any real interest in legislating on these issues, he would be working with Republicans to bring up legislation that actually has a chance of receiving support from both Democrats and Republicans.

“Senator Joni Ernst, for example, has legislation to promote access to contraception.

“But that’s not the legislation Senator Schumer is bringing up.

“Because these votes have nothing to do with legislating and everything to do with boosting Democrats’ electoral chances – he hopes – this fall.

“Mr. President, I suspect the exercises in election politics will continue.

“Look for this to be the summer of show votes here in the Senate.

“But as I said, Republicans are ready for it.

“We are happy to talk about the Democrat agenda – whether that’s the president’s disastrous border policies (or lack thereof) or Democrats’ never-ending inflation crisis or another attempt by the Democrat leader to force through legislation to legalize abortion up until the moment of birth.

“All the show votes in the world won’t erase Democrats’ record – as Democrats may discover to their cost.

“Mr. President, I yield the floor.”