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Thune to Senate Democrats: National Security Begins at Home

“Anyone who thinks that our nation can be secure while we have hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants pouring over our southern border needs to think again.”

December 6, 2023

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today spoke on the Senate floor about the dire need to address the humanitarian and security crisis at the southern border. Senate Republicans have made it clear that any national security supplemental must meaningfully address the out-of-control illegal immigration at the southern border through additional law enforcement and asylum and parole reforms.

Thune’s remarks below (as prepared for delivery):

“Mr. President, later today the Senate will take a vote on whether or not to move to consideration of the national security supplemental.

“And make no mistake, this vote will fail.

“Not because Republicans oppose supporting our national security interests overseas, but because Democrats are refusing to take seriously the national security crisis here at home.

“Mr. President, from the beginning Republicans have made it clear that any national security supplemental would have to address one of the biggest threats to our national security – the out-of-control illegal immigration at our southern border.

“This is not an extraneous issue, as the Democrat leader suggested last week.

“Border security is national security.

“And anyone who thinks that our nation can be secure while we have hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants pouring over our southern border each month needs to think again.

“During the month of October alone, 240,988 individuals were encountered at our southern border – the highest October number ever recorded.

“But on top of that, the month of October saw an average of 1,000 gotaways per day – individuals the Border Patrol saw but was unable to apprehend.

“That’s 30,000 unidentified individuals entering our country in just one month.


“And there’s no telling how many unknown gotaways there were during that same period.

“And there is no question that some of these gotaways were dangerous individuals who should not be entering our country.

“During fiscal year 2023, 169 individuals on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended attempting to illegally cross our southern border.


“And thousands of what are known as ‘special interest aliens’ – individuals who may pose a threat to the United States – have been apprehended trying to illegally cross our southern border over the past two years.

“Then there are the criminals who are trying to make their way into the United States – from drug traffickers to child predators.

“One border reporter noted last month, and I quote, ‘Border Patrol’s Del Rio Sector has arrested at least 21 child sex predators crossing illegally since the new fiscal year began on October 1st.’

“Twenty-one child sex predators.

“In a single sector of the border.

“And again, Mr. President, all of these numbers I’m mentioning only refer to individuals who have actually been apprehended.

“With 30,000 unknown individuals entering the United States in October alone, there’s no telling how many terrorists, criminals, and other dangerous individuals have made their way into our country without our knowledge.

“So, Mr. President, I think it’s fair to say that the issue of border security is not ‘extraneous,’ but is in fact fundamental to our national security – something the Democrat leader ought to realize.

“Indeed, the fact that New York City is currently facing across-the-board cuts to city services – including a staggering 13.5 percent cut to its police force – as a result of the migrant crisis should be all the information the majority leader needs to realize that our current situation is not sustainable, even without the national security risks posed by unchecked illegal immigration.

“Mr. President, I support aid to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine, and I believe that it is in our national security interest to support these allies.

“So I want to see us take up this national security supplemental.

“But national security begins at home.

“And we can’t pass a bill to advance American interests abroad while ignoring the national security crisis at our own border.

“We owe the American people better than that.

“The Democrat leader needs to understand that Republicans are serious.

“We’ve said all along that this national security supplemental must address the national security crisis at our border.

“And we will continue to hold to that principle.

“And while we recognize that in a negotiation neither side will get everything it wants, the final border security component of this supplemental must have real teeth.

“Cosmetic measures are not acceptable.

“We can’t afford anything less than real solutions to our nation’s border crisis.

“Mr. President, 10,000-plus individuals were encountered at our southern border on Sunday.

“Another 10,000-plus were encountered on Monday.

“Things are getting worse, not better.

“And we have an obligation to do everything we can to get this crisis under control.

“So I will vote against moving to this supplemental while it lacks serious border security policy changes.

“And I hope that today’s failed vote will clearly demonstrate to our Democrat colleagues that there will be no national security supplemental without the kind of border security measures that we need to keep our nation secure.

“Mr. President, I yield the floor.”