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We are just past the first official day of fall and there is an increasing bite to the air. College football teams have a few games under their belts and classes are in full swing. Students and faculty on South Dakota's college and university campuses are gearing up for homecoming festivities.

South Dakota towns come together each year to celebrate the role our colleges and universities play in our communities. From Gypsy Days to Swarm Days--and dozens of celebrations around the state--homecoming season is an exciting time for young people, as well as the communities who support them.

One such celebration is about to get underway at The University of South Dakota. I have fond memories of the University's homecoming, known as Dakota Days, from my time spent in Vermillion while I was working toward my master's degree. This year, I have the privilege of returning to my alma mater to serve as the grand marshal in the homecoming parade.

Shortly after the Dakota Days celebrations, South Dakota State University will ring in its homecoming festivities known as Hobo Day. Parades, award ceremonies, alumni activities, and other events will highlight this community celebration.

Homecoming provides an opportunity for current students, alumni, and community members to express their shared pride in our state's fine institutions of higher education. This time-honored tradition reminds us all of the school spirit we once shared and inspires us to continue to support South Dakota's schools.

I wish all students, staff, and alumni at universities and colleges across the state a fun and safe homecoming season.