Funding Requests FY2011: Agriculture & Rural Development
Project Name: | Cellulosic Ethanol Feedstock Research | |
Amount: | $500,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota State University (SDSU) -- Brookings, SD | |
Description: | This funding request would fund a new center at SDSU to research the value of grasslands and develop proper management and harvesting techniques that will make grasslands an effective biofuel feedstock. The end result will be an effective tool for landowners and biofuel producers to commercialize cellulosic ethanol and reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil. |
Project Name: | North Central Agriculture Research Laboratory (NCARL) - Biomass Crop Production | |
Amount: | $1,200,000 | |
Recipient: | Eastern South Dakota Soil and Water Research Farm and SDSU -- Brookings, SD | |
Description: | The Biomass Crop Production program at NCARL works closely with SDSU and the fuel ethanol industry to add value to corn-based ethanol byproducts, which in turn positively impacts the economics of ethanol productions and the sectors of the agriculture industry that depend on ethanol byproducts. Funding for FY 2011 will continue this research for another year. |
Project Name: | RUS Electric Loan Program | |
Description: | The President’s FY 2011 budget request prevents the Rural Utilities Service from lending to rural electrical cooperatives for peaking natural gas plants, as well as environmental upgrades to existing power plants. This restriction would remove the option of producing electricity from cleaner burning natural gas, and also makes it more difficult to build renewable wind power since renewable wind energy is paired with natural gas to ensure electricity supply is uninterrupted. Senator Thune's requested language in the FY 2011 Agriculture Appropriations bill would prevent this restriction from taking effect. |
Project Name: | Sustainable Wheat Production and Food Security | |
Amount: | $500,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota State University (SDSU) -- Brookings, SD | |
Description: | As part of the Sustainable Wheat Production and Food Security Initiative, a multidisciplinary team of scientists at SDSU will further the work on new varieties of wheat that will produce higher yields in arid growing conditions. The development of multi-faceted sustainable approaches for dryland agricultural systems will enhance economic development and employment opportunities. |
Funding Requests FY2011: Commerce/Justice/Science
Project Name: | Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Justice and Public Safety | |
Amount: | $1,000,000 | |
Recipient: | Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe -- Eagle Butte, SD | |
Description: | With over 12,000 tribal members spread out over 2.8 million acres, public safety officers are forced to cover between 15 to 92 miles between headquarters and the Tribe’s 19 communities. This funding would support increased tribal law enforcement, court, and detention operations and provide additional resources for needed equipment to support these services. These additional funds will increase safety and security on the Cheyenne River Sioux reservation. |
Project Name: | Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Emergency Dispatching System | |
Amount: | $300,000 | |
Recipient: | Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe -- Eagle Butte, SD | |
Description: | The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST) is requesting funding to update their outdated emergency response and 911 dispatch system. Currently, both law enforcement and CRST 911 Corporation are operating on an antiquated dispatching system leading both to ineffectiveness and safety concerns for the first responders and callers. The updated system will eliminate these problems and allow dispatchers to effectively coordinate and communicate in emergency situations. |
Project Name: | Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Tribal Court Services Project | |
Amount: | $500,000 | |
Recipient: | Lower Brule Sioux Tribe -- Lower Brule, SD | |
Description: | The Lower Brule Sioux Tribe is requesting funding to improve their tribal court system. Due to limited jail space, the majority of the Tribe’s cases end in a defendant being placed on probation. Unfortunately, at this time there are a limited number of probation officers to monitor compliance or assist defendants in their rehabilitation. Additionally, the court system is currently operating using a paper case management system leading to inefficiencies, time delays, and the occasional loss of key documents. The enhanced court system will increase probation management, decrease recidivism, and increase the effectiveness of the overall tribal court system. |
Project Name: | Rosebud Sioux Tribe Emergency Dispatching System | |
Amount: | $400,000 | |
Recipient: | Rosebud Sioux Tribe -- Rosebud, SD | |
Description: | The Rosebud Sioux Tribe is requesting funding to upgrade their emergency response and 911 dispatch system. Due to the fact that the current system is outdated and obsolete dispatchers occasionally lose radio communication with law enforcement personnel responding to emergencies endangering not only the officers, but also the callers they are trying to assist. Additionally, dropped calls between the dispatchers and the callers results in the loss of location of the caller. The updated system will eliminate these problems and allow dispatchers to effectively coordinate and communicate in emergency situations. |
Funding Requests FY2011: Defense Appropriations/Authorization/Military Construction
Project Name: | 25 M Baffled Range | |
Amount: | $4,100,000 | |
Recipient: | Army National Guard, Sioux Falls, SD | |
Description: | The existing range used by the National Guard was constructed in 1987 and has exceeded its useful life. It is located within 30 feet of billeting spaces at the SDARNG’s Regional Training Institute East and there is serious risk of a bullet leaving the range and impacting an area of concentrated soldiers. Currently, range operations are conducted on a limited basis, due to this high risk. New funding will construct a 25 meter "Zero Surface Danger Zone" baffled range with 16 firing points along with a 3900 square foot, Range Operations and Maintenance Facility (including target storage space, ammunition breakdown building, latrines, and classrooms), a 550 square yard gravel parking lot and security features around the perimeter of the facility. |
Project Name: | Aircraft Maintenance Shops | |
Amount: | $12,800,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota Air National Guard -- Sioux Falls, SD | |
Description: | The base requires correctly sized and properly configured aircraft maintenance facilities to support repair and maintenance of its F-16 aircraft. Current maintenance if performed in four separate, mostly substandard facilities which contains less space than required for effective operations. Funds will accelerate the construction of an Aircraft Maintenance Facility to replace old and less effective existing multiple maintenance facilities. Critical functional areas that will reside in this new facility include aircraft general purpose shops, the aircraft maintenance unit, avionics and electronic countermeasures pod shop, and the weapons systems maintenance management shop. |
Project Name: | Alternative Power Technology (APT) for Missile Defense | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota State University -- Brookings, SD | |
Description: | These funds will allow continued research, development, prototype, demonstration and testing of advanced alternative power technologies. It will specifically focus on producing highly efficient, environmentally clean, less logistically constraining, and more cost effective alternative energy technology and products for the Army's Space and Missile Defense Systems. These include sensors, weapons, battle management and command, control and communications systems. |
Project Name: | B-1 High Velocity Maintenance Initiative | |
Amount: | $10,000,000 | |
Recipient: | Ellsworth AFB, SD | |
Description: | Funds B-1 Depot Purchased Equipment Maintenance (DPEM). This is the U.S. Air Force's #1 item on its Unfunded Priority List. It will specifically support Air Force High Velocity Maintenance (HVM), or "mini PDM" (Programmed Depot Maintenance) initiatives, and other critical functions related to B-1 weapon system readiness. |
Project Name: | B-1B Bomber Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar Operational Utility Evaluation (OUE) | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | The Boeing Company -- Long Beach, CA | |
Description: | This project is to support an operational utility evaluation of an advanced targeting radar on the B-1B Bomber. AESA radar technology has been developed for fighter and reconnaissance aircraft and is ideally suited to augment the B-1B targeting pod’s clear-weather target identification and precision weapon capability. The improved radar will provide the B-1B an all-weather target identification and precision weapon capability. The radar will leverage an existing radar with minimum adjustments made in order to accomplish the utility evaluation. Flying a prototype instillation of an AESA radar on the B-1B will provide valuable insight into integration complexity, allowing planners to more accurately estimate a full scale integration program. |
Project Name: | Emerging Technologies in Advanced Materials | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota School of Mines and Technology -- Rapid City, SD | |
Description: | Funds provide the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology the ability to research technologies in advanced materials. Advanced materials have been identified as critical components to both commercial and defense applications. Advanced materials are used in personal and vehicle body armor, additives for energetic materials, electromagnetic materials, systems and devices for energy harvesting/generation and energy storage. This project will strengthen our nation's leading role in the nanotechnology field, advance sensor technologies for homeland security, potentially lead to major breakthroughs in the current fuel cell and ultra-capacitor technologies and advance the power and energy storage technologies for military systems. |
Project Name: | Energy Efficiency, Recovery and Generation | |
Amount: | $1,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota School of Mines and Technology -- Rapid City, SD | |
Description: | The goal of this proposal is to reduce the national dependence on imported petroleum based fuels by developing scalable, carbon-neutral and waste-free bioprocessing technologies for the sustainable production of high energy density biofuels to the U.S. Air Force. Research will focus on biodiesel, biohydrogen, hydrocarbon and bio oil fuels. The proposed approach for biofuels production integrates methods for pretreatment and extraction through both the biochemical and thermochemical routes for biomass bioprocessing. |
Project Name: | Implementation of Aging and Battle Damaged Weapon Systems Repair Processes | |
Amount: | $1,500,000 | |
Recipient: | H.F. Webster Incorporated -- Rapid City, SD | |
Description: | A feasibility study, completed in FY07, indicated that cost savings on the order of $300 million annually could be achieved across the DOD by updating repair technologies in the maintenance and supply chain. The on-going FY08 and planned FY10 Aging Weapons Systems Repair Program is focused on qualification of several repair technologies for specific applications that were found to provide an average of 33 to 1 return on funds invested in the qualification effort. These funds will provide for the Implementation of Aging and Battle Damaged Weapon Systems Repair Processes that will incorporate repair concepts identified in the FY08 and FY10 Aging Weapons Systems Repair Program into DOD maintenance processes. |
Project Name: | Maintenance Training Facility Ellsworth, AFB South Dakota | |
Amount: | $12,200,000 | |
Recipient: | Ellsworth AFB, SD | |
Description: | Constructs a facility to house maintenance training and technical training functions in mission-critical subjects such as jet engine maintenance, B-1B electronic warfare, flight controls system maintenance, avionics and armament systems maintenance, egress systems maintenance, fuel systems maintenance, and electro-environmental training. Funding will accelerate the replacement of a 58 year old building where safety concerns have been reported and which houses $32 million in non-replaceable B-1 training equipment which is currently at risk due to inadequate HVAC environmental controls and roof leaks. |
Project Name: | Missile Canister Manufacturing Center | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | BAE Systems -- Aberdeen, SD | |
Description: | New Missile Canister production workload has grown substantially over the last several years with the conclusion of Canister Renew programs. In addition to replacement canisters for Standard Missile firings, the Navy is introducing improved Standard Missile SM3 into the fleet to support Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) programs. The Navy is also developing the SM-6 missile and associated canister. The resulting demand is expected to exceed 500 new canisters per year for the next 5-7 years. The additional funds for the purchase of capital equipment would enable the contractor to ensure timely production of forecasted Navy requirements well into the future. (This request was subsequently withdrawn.) |
Project Name: | PTSD and Alcohol Abuse | |
Amount: | $521,000 | |
Recipient: | University of South Dakota -- Vermillion, SD | |
Description: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with increased rates of problematic behaviors, especially alcohol dependence and difficulties in social and occupational functioning. These associations are complex and not well understood, but are fundamental to the health and well-being of returning soldiers and veterans. This research will examine associations between emotions, inability to inhibit certain behaviors, and alcohol use disorder, using a combination of psychological, physiological, and genotyping tools. PTSD affects the lives of many returning veterans, and more than half of the individuals with PTSD also have an alcohol use disorder. This study will examine associations between emotions, inability to inhibit certain behaviors, and alcohol use disorder in order to inform treatment and aid in predicting PTSD and alcohol dependence and associated problems in returning veterans. |
Project Name: | Renewable Jet Fuel from Lignocellulosic Feedstocks | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota State University -- Brookings, SD | |
Description: | The U.S. Army research lab is developing concepts for the next generation of low cost and high efficiency Bio-JP8 fuel. This funding proposes to produce synthetic JP-8 fuel for blending in a fast pyrolysis process using prairie cordgrass and to show that a bio-based JP-8 fuel can meet the chemical/physical standards of petro-diesel. Funding will allow SDSU to obtain necessary equipment and develop required capabilities that will aid in their effort to evaluate various technologies that can turn agricultural feedstocks to bio-JP8. |
Project Name: | Tissue Regeneration Following Injury | |
Amount: | $958,000 | |
Recipient: | University of South Dakota -- Vermillion, SD | |
Description: | Blast injuries are among the most common suffered by the modern warfighter. Combat injuries are typified by extreme trauma to limbs and often accompanied by significant bone and connective tissue loss. This can often lead to invasive procedures, including amputation. Tissue engineering and regeneration are promising strategies for the repair and replacement of tissue, but biological and mechanical functionality remains a challenge. Funding will continue research, at the University of South Dakota Center for Engineered Biomedical Devices, toward an innovative solution based on a “scaffolding” technique that will include bioactive components that reduce the likelihood of infection, encourage the proliferation of cells and hasten the healing process, potentially sparing the limb. |
Funding Requests FY2011: Energy & Water
Project Name: | Big Sioux River Flood Control | |
Amount: | $4,000,000 | |
Recipient: | City of Sioux Falls -- Sioux Falls, SD | |
Description: | This project would raise the levees along the Big Sioux River from the diversion dam to the upstream tie-off, raise the diversion channel levee, raise the diversion dam, raise Big Sioux levees, and provide for bridge improvements. FY 2011 funding would go toward reimbursing the City of Sioux Falls for advance funding the federal government's portion of the project. Once complete, the project will provide the City of Sioux Falls with 100-year flood protection, along with 1,600 homeowners and businesses that are currently in the flood zone. This project is authorized under the Water Resource Development Act 1996 (P.L. 104-303). |
Project Name: | Lewis & Clark Regional Water System | |
Amount: | $35,000,000 | |
Recipient: | Lewis & Clark Regional Water System -- Sioux Falls, SD | |
Description: | When complete, the project will supply pure, dependable drinking water to 300,000 residents in 22 communities and water districts in South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota, covering 5,900 square miles. Lewis and Clark is vital to address regional water problems including shallow wells and aquifers prone to contamination and drought, compliance with new federal drinking water standards, and increasing water demand due to population growth and economic expansion. The Lewis & Clark Rural Water System Act was authorized by Congress in July of 2000 (P.L. 106-246). |
Project Name: | Mni Wiconi Rural Water Project - Construction | |
Amount: | $31,427,000 | |
Recipient: | Mni Wiconi Rural Water System -- South Central, SD | |
Description: | The Mni Wiconi project has provided Indian and non-Indian people of arid Western South Dakota with a source of clean drinkable water not previously available. This water system serves the needs of the Pine Ridge, Rosebud, and Lower Brule Indian Reservations, as well as many off-reservation communities and homes. This funding would go toward construction in FY 2011. This project was authorized by Congress under the Mni Wiconi Project Act (P.L. 100-516). |
Project Name: | Mni Wiconi Rural Water Project - Operation, Maintenance and Replacement | |
Amount: | $10,200,000 | |
Recipient: | Mni Wiconi Rural Water System -- South Central, SD | |
Description: | The Mni Wiconi project has provided Indian and non-Indian people of arid Western South Dakota with a source of clean drinkable water not previously available. This water system serves the needs of the Pine Ridge, Rosebud, and Lower Brule Indian Reservations, as well as many off-reservation communities and homes. This funding would go toward Operations and Maintenance in FY 2011. This project was authorized under the Mni Wiconi Project Act (P.L. 100-516). |
Project Name: | Perkins County Rural Water System | |
Amount: | $3,142,000 | |
Recipient: | Perkins County Rural Water -- Bison, SD | |
Description: | This project will provide potable water to approximately 300 farms, ranches, and two towns – Lemmon and Bison. The system will serve rural users and provide bulk water for Lemmon and Bison. Currently, the only two existing water systems in the project area are the municipal supply systems in Lemmon and Bison. The purpose of this project is to create a water distribution network to deliver treated water to rural subscribers, who currently rely upon well water of variable quality and quantity. This project was authorized by Congress under the Perkins County Rural Water System Act (P.L. 106-136). |
Project Name: | Sun Grant Initiative | |
Amount: | $3,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota State University -- Brookings, SD | |
Description: | South Dakota State University is recognized as the national leader for the Sun Grant Initiative (SGI). The SGI is working with the U.S. Department of Energy through regional research on cellulosic feedstock production and sustainability. Expenditures will include equipment, research supplies, support for graduate students, and publications. SDSU anticipates funding three to five projects with this funding. |
Funding Requests FY2011: Interior
Project Name: | Rapid City Source Water Protection | |
Amount: | $1,000,000 | |
Recipient: | City of Rapid City -- Rapid City, SD | |
Description: | The Source Water Protection Project includes the installation of sanitary sewer systems in residential areas overlapping the sensitive Madison Aquifer, the primary drinking water source for Rapid City, Rapid Valley, and Ellsworth Air Force Base. The total population in these communities exceeds 75,000 persons. The removal of over 2,400 septic tanks and the subsequent residential connections and extension of existing city sanitary sewers will greatly reduce the source of surface contamination in the Rapid City area. The project is expected to be funded through both federal and local resources. |
Project Name: | Rapid City Water Treatment Plant Construction | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | City of Rapid City -- Rapid City, SD | |
Description: | The Jackson Springs Gallery has traditionally supplied more than half of the City's winter water demands. In 2006, based on EPA criteria, the Jackson Springs Gallery was reclassified which meant the City had to treat its largest single water source as if it were a surface water supply. The necessary treatment was not feasible at the existing site and as a result, the Gallery was shut down. Today, the Jackson Springs Gallery remains inactive. A new treatment facility at Jackson Springs will allow the City to resume use of its most plentiful and reliable water source. These funds will go to a new water treatment plant, new water pump station, pretreatment and chemical feed facilities, new finished water pump station and clear well, new distribution system piping, and provisions for treating multiple water sources. |
Funding Requests FY2011: Labor/Health & Human Services/Education
Project Name: | First Responder Training Equipment | |
Amount: | $465,000 | |
Recipient: | Lake Area Technical Institute -- Watertown, SD | |
Description: | The funds would be used to purchase laboratory equipment for Lake Area Technical Institute's (LATI) first responder training program. Requested equipment includes a structural fire trainer, an aircraft fire trainer, aircraft fuel spill trainer, and aircraft rescue trainer to support LATI’s Med/Fire Rescue Associate of Applied Science degree program. Equipment would also be used to provide continuing education and to meet training requirements for South Dakota firefighters and rescue personnel. |
Project Name: | Medical Equipment for Rosebud Comprehensive Health Care Facility | |
Amount: | $1,700,000 | |
Recipient: | Rosebud Sioux Tribe -- Rosebud, SD | |
Description: | The funds would be used for medical equipment to continue to provide health care to the members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe at the Rosebud Comprehensive Healthcare Facility. Requested equipment includes a computerized tomography (CT) scanner, a digital mammography unit, and EKG units. |
Project Name: | Northern Plains Healthy Start Program | |
Amount: | $500,000 | |
Recipient: | Aberdeen Area Tribal Chairmen's Health Board -- Rapid City, SD | |
Description: | The funds would be used to provide equipment and supplies for the Healthy Start Program at the Aberdeen Area Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board. This program provides case management for Native American women facing high risk pregnancies to reduce low birth weight and infant mortality rates. Services provided include home visitation services and transportation to medical appointments to women through 14 program sites in the Aberdeen Service Area. |
Project Name: | Student Veteran Initiative | |
Amount: | $418,000 | |
Recipient: | University of South Dakota -- Vermillion, SD | |
Description: | The funds would be used by the University of South Dakota (USD) to assist disabled veterans returning to college, also known as the Fides program. Approximately 500 student veterans are enrolled at USD and in 2006 the Veterans Affairs Department provided approximately 2,048 veterans, reservists, or survivors with education benefits in the state of South Dakota. Veterans returning from operations overseas have a variety of physical and psychological challenges, and the project will identify veterans' specific educational needs, develop a set of best practices for offering services while respecting privacy. Various workshops to improve educational experiences and retention for veterans would be developed to be delivered to faculty, staff, and administration at all South Dakota Regental universities and other private, tribal, and vocation/technical schools in South Dakota. |
Funding Requests FY2011: Transportation/Housing & Urban Development
Project Name: | BIA Route 1 Road Improvements | |
Amount: | $144,000 | |
Recipient: | Rosebud Sioux Tribe -- Rosebud, SD | |
Description: | Funding for crack sealing and chip sealing on BIA Route 1 in St. Francis is needed because BIA Route 1 does not meet the higher acceptable standard level under the FP-03 Federal Highway Standard Requirements Manual. Funding for road maintenance will allow the surface of BIA Route 501 to be upgraded from a Level 2 to Level 1. Once completed, the roadway will provide a smoother and safer surface for the traveling public and first responders. |
Project Name: | Domestic Violence Building Project | |
Amount: | $400,000 | |
Recipient: | Lower Brule Sioux Tribe -- Lower Brule, SD | |
Description: | This request would provide funding for building costs, wiring, sewer, water, parking lot, security system, upgrades and costs to transport an existing building to use as a shelter for victims of domestic violence on the Lower Brule Reservation. The reservation currently lacks shelter for victims and they experience approximately three cases of domestic violence or abuse per week. Currently, victims often leave the reservation to seek shelter in an emergency. |
Project Name: | Ghost Hawk Road Improvements (BIA Route 7 to SD Hwy 18) | |
Amount: | $150,000 | |
Recipient: | Rosebud Sioux Tribe -- Rosebud, SD | |
Description: | Crack Sealing, Chip Seal, & Patching on Ghost Hawk Road (BIA Route 7 to SD Hwy 18). Ghost Hawk Road is not up to higher acceptable levels pursuant to FP-03 Federal Highway Standards Requirement Manual. The maintenance and construction would upgrade the surface from a Level 2 to Level 1. This will provide a smoother and safer surface for the traveling public and first responders. |
Project Name: | I-29/I-229 Bridges and Interstate Mainline Reconstruction from Near Tea Exit to North of 69th Street and East to Louise Avenue, South Dakota. | |
Amount: | $4,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota Department of Transportation -- Pierre, SD | |
Description: | I-29/I-229 bridges and interstate mainline reconstruction from near Tea Exit to north of 69th Street and east to Louise Avenue, South Dakota. |
Project Name: | Improvements and 4 R Work to SD 73 in Jackson County | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota Department of Transportation -- Pierre, SD | |
Description: | Grading, Interim Surfacing, and Asphalt Concrete Surfacing of SD 73 from the Bennett/Jackson County Line to two miles north of the north junction of SD 44 for a distance of 15.4 miles serving the Pine Ridge Reservation. |
Project Name: | Kenel Road (BIA Route 3) Improvements, North of Kenel, SD | |
Amount: | $700,000 | |
Recipient: | Standing Rock Sioux Tribe -- Fort Yates, ND | |
Description: | Funding will provide a safer roadway for vehicles and reduce high maintenance costs. The existing paved roadway has seen extreme deterioration and pot holes. BIA Route 3 is a school bus route and one of the tribe's worst roads. |
Project Name: | Rapid City Airport Terminal Expansion | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | Rapid City Regional Airport -- Rapid City, SD | |
Description: | The Rapid City Regional Airport is a critical five-state transportation hub supporting important economic sectors such as military, medical, tourism, manufacturing, and retail. In 1988, the existing terminal building entered into service and has accommodated over nine million passengers. However, demand for air service has pushed the terminal to capacity and additional security requirements have made passenger flow very inefficient. This $20.5 million project will be funded primarily by bonds financed by passenger facility charges and local dollars. This funding will assist in completing the terminal expansion that is estimated to host over 15 million passengers over the next 20-years. |
Project Name: | Reprogram unobligated transportation funds to the SD Department of Transportation | |
Recipient: | South Dakota Department of Transportation -- Pierre, SD | |
Description: | Reprogram project number 4892 (P.L. 109-59, section 1702) and project number 374 (P.L. 109-59, section 1934) both of which relate to the Heartland Expressway, to the South Dakota Department of Transportation for projects it has identified as its highest priority. |
Project Name: | SD 44 Reconstruction, Rapid City | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota Department of Transportation -- Pierre, SD | |
Description: | Reconstruction of SD Highway 44 (Jackson Blvd.) from Rapid Creek to Mountain View Road in Rapid City and structure on SD Highway 44, 1.9 miles southwest of the Junction of SD Highway 79 over Rapid Creek. |
Project Name: | Toxic Biohazard Remediation | |
Amount: | $250,000 | |
Recipient: | Standing Rock Housing Authority -- Fort Yates, ND | |
Description: | This request would provide funding to contain and decontaminate high levels of toxic biohazards from 90 existing homes in South Dakota on the Standing Rock Reservation. Extreme winter storms and record levels of snowfall damaged existing homes that are now in need of decontamination as a health safety measure. Remediation will ensure an additional 30 years of useful life to these homes. |
Project Name: | US 16 – Grading, Surfacing, and 4R Work in Custer County | |
Amount: | $1,500,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota Department of Transportation -- Pierre, SD | |
Description: | Grading and Asphalt Concrete Surfacing of US 16 from one mile west of Jewel Cave National Monument to .5 mile east of Jewel Cave National Monument for a distance of 4.3 miles. |
Project Name: | US 83 -- Grading, Urban Improvements, Surfacing and 4R Work -- Walworth and Campbell Counties | |
Amount: | $2,000,000 | |
Recipient: | South Dakota Department of Transportation -- Pierre, SD | |
Description: | Reconstruction and surfacing of US Highway 83 from the west junction of US 212 to SD Highway 10, a distance of 16.3 miles. |
Funding Requests FY2011: Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)
Project Name: | Big Sioux Flood Control Project | |
Amount: | N/A | |
Recipient: | City of Sioux Falls -- Sioux Falls, SD | |
Description: | In 1996, Congress authorized the construction of the Big Sioux Flood Control Project. While the project has received approximately $20 million in federal funding to date, $17,538,000 in federal funding is still needed to complete the project. Due to slow rates of federal funding for this critical project, the City in consultation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proceeded with a $20+ million bond issuance to pay for both its portion of the project’s cost, as well as the federal portion. This request would allow the City to be reimbursed for advanced funding this important project, subject to available funds. |
Project Name: | Flood Control - James River, SD | |
Amount: | N/A | |
Recipient: | James River Water Development District – James River Valley, SD | |
Description: | This project was authorized under the 1986 WRDA bill to address channel restoration and improvements to alleviate flood damage. This request would expand the scope of the project to include watershed improvements and ecosystem restoration. |
Project Name: | Vermillion River, SD | |
Amount: | No more than $7,000,000 | |
Recipient: | Turner, Lincoln, Clay Water Project District – Turner, Lincoln, Clay Counties, SD | |
Description: | Since 1983, the Vermillion River has caused a number of floods which have been increasing in severity. These floods have hit the community of Davis, the area around Centerville, state highways, several county and township roads, and a substantial amount of farmland. Current piecemeal solutions consisting of sand bags and private levees have been insufficient and in just 2010 alone, it is estimated that flooding caused hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to farmland, roads, municipal property, and private property. This request would allow for a study and appropriate flood damage reduction measures to be taken. |