Recent Press Releases

Washington, D.C. —  Senator John Thune has been selected to continue serving as ranking member of one of five Subcommittees of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. Senator Thune will serve as the ranking Republican on the Subcommittee on Jobs, Rural Economic Growth, and Energy Innovation for the 112th session of Congress.

"South Dakota's capability to produce home-grown sources of energy creates jobs and stimulates our state's entire economy," said Thune. "Serving as the ranking member of the Jobs, Rural Economic Growth, and Energy Innovation Subcommittee will ensure that South Dakota has a strong voice in the national discussion on renewable energy production. As gas prices continue to rise and our national unemployment remains near nine percent, rural states are positioned to play a significant role in decreasing our reliance on foreign sources of energy, while creating jobs in America."

The Jobs, Rural Economic Growth, and Energy Innovation Subcommittee has legislative jurisdiction over rural economic revitalization and quality of life, rural job and business growth, rural electrification, telecommunications and utilities, renewable energy production and energy efficiency improvement on farms and ranches in rural communities, and innovation in the use of agricultural commodities and materials.

Thune has served as a member of both the House of Representatives and Senate Agriculture Committees and assisted in writing the past two Farm Bills.