WASHINGTON, D.C.--Senator John Thune today issued the following statement on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction's failure to produce a plan to reduce the nation's deficit:
"Instead of joining Republicans in making tough decisions to address our nation's runaway entitlement spending, Democrats would rather increase taxes on America's job creators.
"While Congressional Republicans continue to work to find serious solutions to reduce our nation's dangerous level of debt, President Obama continues to focus on campaigning for reelection. Since taking office, the president has failed to propose serious budgets that address unsustainable spending and entitlement programs and instead has punted on the greatest fiscal challenge facing our nation.
"I will do everything I can to ensure our national security needs are not disproportionately impacted as a result of the across the board cuts that will be triggered in 2013, due to Democrats' unwillingness to reduce spending."