U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today sharply criticized the Obama Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) controversial Waters of the U.S. rule at hearing before the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee entitled, “Waters of the United States: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Impact of EPA’s Proposed Rule.” Thune noted that the EPA’s overreach has generated so much concern and controversy that stakeholders have weighed in with over a million comments to the proposed rule.
Video of Thune statement is available here.
“[W]hat concerns me the most about this EPA proposed Waters of the U.S. rule is that it is another example of what has become an all-too-common practice of this administration to reach into the lives, livelihoods, and pocketbooks of the American people it is supposed to be helping.
“Even before this rule is finalized, the cost of just the proposed rule to the people it is supposed to be helping is staggering. Think about the amount of time taken for respondents to file over a million comments to the proposed rule, the number Congressional hearings including this one, and individuals, small businesses and county and state governments who have worked hard to keep this rule from destroying their livelihoods has cost already millions of dollars to counter a government that was created to be of assistance.”