WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement after Senate Democrats today blocked funding for veterans benefits, combating the Zika virus, and the Department of Defense for the third time this year.
“Despite the fact the Zika virus currently poses a significant public health threat to an increasing number of Americans, especially would-be mothers, Senate Democrats have chosen to filibuster this important funding for the third time. They would rather see funds go to a far-left special interest group than to fighting the virus, and are even willing to risk benefits for our nation’s veterans by blocking the bill,” said Thune.
Senate Democrats today also blocked a must-pass bill that allocates funds for the Department of Defense necessary for the fight against ISIS.
Thune said: “Senate Democrats today also blocked critical funding for our troops, even as our nation faces increased threats to the homeland and our men and women in uniform continue to head to the Middle East. This well-established pattern of choosing politics over the health and safety of the American people is both cynical and dangerous.”