Recent Press Releases

Washington, D.C. —  Senator John Thune announced today that four South Dakota fire departments were awarded Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). AFG awards aim to enhance response capabilities and to more effectively protect the health and safety of the public.

"As South Dakota continues to deal with dangerous fire conditions due to prolonged drought and high temperatures it is important that our fire departments have the support that they need," said Thune. "I am proud to announce this important funding and know that these fire departments will put these dollars to good use to ensure the safety of individuals and the protection of property."

The North Haines Volunteer Fire Department in Rapid City was awarded $179,075 for vehicle acquisition. Grants for operations and safety were also awarded to the Pierre Fire Department for $95,475, the Sturgis Volunteer Fire Department for $71,773, and the Platte Volunteer Fire Department for $23,750.

The grants enable local fire departments and emergency medical services organizations to purchase or receive training, conduct first responder health and safety programs, and buy equipment and response vehicles. AFG also supports regional projects in which multiple organizations serving more than one local jurisdiction benefit directly from activities implemented with grant funds.