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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement after President Biden delivered his State of the Union address:
“President Biden’s tenure will be defined by rampant inflation, lawlessness at the southern border, and a weakening of America’s standing on the world stage.
“No amount of words from the president tonight could have erased the actions he’s taken to undermine America’s economic security, energy security, and national security.
“The consequences of these actions are felt at home and abroad, in the grocery store and at the southern border, and these consequences will linger far beyond President Biden’s term in office.
“We must reverse course – and Republicans are eager to lead the way. We have Republican solutions to unleash American energy, strengthen our military to prepare for the rising threats in today’s world, and finally secure the southern border. Unfortunately, for the past three years, we haven’t had a willing partner in the White House to help us achieve these goals.
“Though the president and I have sharp differences in opinion when it comes to policy, one thing we can agree on is that we are fortunate to live in the greatest country in the world. The blessings that we have as Americans are made possible by the brave men and women in uniform who defend our interests around the globe – and tonight, and every night, I thank them and their families for their service and sacrifice."