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South Dakota Blessings

November 18, 2011

This past year has been particularly tough on many South Dakotans. From historic flooding along the Missouri River and throughout the state that damaged homes and businesses, to prairie fires that destroyed acres and livelihoods, to economic uncertainty that has taken a toll on businesses and families’ bank accounts, to the tragic losses of members of the law enforcement and military communities, the challenges have been great for many in our state.

Despite these hardships, during Thanksgiving and throughout the year, we are continually reminded of the blessings we have as South Dakotans and Americans.

We are thankful to live in a country where we can freely worship our Creator, speak our minds without fear, and enjoy the freedom that is the cornerstone of our society. Additionally, we are thankful to live in a state where family, friends, and neighbors help one another during the good times and the bad.

South Dakota’s community spirit has pulled many through the uncertain times this past year. I am proud and blessed to call myself a South Dakotan and an American.

This year, let us all find the blessings in our lives and continue passing these blessings forward to those in need. Kimberley and I wish everyone a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.
