Growing up in Murdo, South Dakota, as the son of two educators and a father of two daughters who attended public schools, I understand the challenges that communities across the state face in ensuring a high-quality education for all students. I also know the importance that families in South Dakota place on education so their kids can reach their full potential.
I believe that education decisions are best left to those who know students the best – parents, teachers, and local school boards – not bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. Therefore, any education decisions considered by the federal government should be focused on giving schools the flexibility they need, while still holding them accountable to parents and taxpayers. The federal government must also recognize the unique needs of rural areas as it considers public education policy.
In addition to the importance of a local focus on education, I also support federal education programs that benefit South Dakota, like the Impact Aid Program, which compensates local school districts that have lost property tax revenue due to the presence of tax-exempt federal property or federal activities.
I also believe every student should have the chance to pursue post-secondary education, whether it’s a four-year degree or a tech school program. I’ll support efforts to responsibly foster academic opportunities, and I will continue promoting sensible reforms that expand opportunities for students and graduates to further their educational opportunities and help them join the workforce.
Recent Actions:
May 2020
Date | Title |
5/15/20 | To the Class of 2020: Be Difference Makers |
April 2020
February 2019
Date | Title |
2/22/19 | A College Degree Built on a Mountain of Debt |
June 2018
Date | Title |
6/7/18 | Delegation Introduces Bills to Allow Tribal Grant Schools to Focus Resources to Improve Education |
February 2017
Date | Title |
2/28/17 | President Trump’s Speech Highlights Americans’ Priorities |
December 2016
Date | Title |
12/9/16 | Finishing Strong and Looking Ahead |
12/8/16 | Thune Statement on Passage of NDAA Conference Report, Critical Fix to Impact Aid Program |
May 2016
Date | Title |
5/13/16 | Thune, Inhofe Praise Impact Aid Provision in NDAA |