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Thune: ESG Policies are Contributing to Higher Food, Energy Prices

“I think the American people deserve to know how much these policies coming out of this administration are impacting the cost of everything that they buy on a daily basis.”

December 6, 2022

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today called on the White House to examine the impact that its radical ESG policies will have on the price of food and energy before imposing these new rules and costs on American families.

Thune’s remarks below:


“In South Dakota, the Public Utilities Commission is basically telling people that ‘expect heating costs to go up this year.’ And nationally, the National Energy Information Administration is saying that heating your home this year is going to increase 28 percent, and that's on top of double-digit increases last year.


“And I think you can attribute all of this to the lack of a coherent energy policy by the Biden administration. And so the question is, what can we do to bring energy costs down?


“And I think one is adopt an all-of-the-above energy strategy, that is American energy independence. When I say all the above, I'm talking about oil, and gas, and biofuels, and nuclear, and wind, and solar, and all of the above. Unleash American energy production in this country, and quit turning outside the United States for our energy needs.


“Secondly, is to end the hostility that this administration has toward oil and gas production in this country. They have adopted this agenda called the ESG agenda, environmental, social and governance agenda, which is designed to limit or prevent production or investment in production in certain areas of our economy. Namely, oil and gas, and we would also argue in farm country, agriculture, farms, and ranches.


“And what I'm going to do later this week is I'm going to be asking the administration, before they implement any of these policies, to look at the impact that these ESG policies are going to have on the cost of food and energy in this country. I think the American people deserve to know how much these policies coming out of this administration are impacting the cost of everything that they buy on a daily basis.


“That kind of analysis, to me, makes a lot of sense. I think the American people believe that, and I think they also believe that this administration's policies are driving up the cost of energy in this country in a way that is harming the pocketbooks of American families all across the United States.”