U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today issued the following statement regarding the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ announcement that the economy added 313,000 jobs in February:
“Since the passage of historic tax reform in December, more than 430 companies and counting have announced new investments, pay raises, bonuses, and other benefits. These benefits have positively affected more than 4.4 million workers. Today’s jobs report was even more good news for American workers. In February, 313,000 jobs were created, and unemployment remains at a 17-year low. After years of economic stagnation, Americans are re-entering the workforce, and in February, our labor force had its largest monthly increase in 38 years. Since the beginning of January 2017, our economy has added nearly 3 million jobs. Under Republican leadership and the Trump administration, more jobs are being created, more Americans are re-entering the workforce, and wages are going up.”