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Thune Statement on Air Force Announcement of Long-Range Strike Bomber Contract

“The Air Force has been extremely diligent in its review process, but now that the contract has been awarded, I hope we can move forward in a timely manner.”

October 27, 2015


U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement after the Air Force announced it has awarded its Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) contract:

“The Air Force has been extremely diligent in its review process,” said Thune. “Now that the contract has been awarded, I hope we can move forward in a timely manner. Our ability to project power is an essential component of our national security. As potential adversaries continue to advance technologically, we must maintain a significant level of qualitative superiority. The LRS-B, once completed, will be the most sophisticated aircraft in our bomber fleet, providing us with the superiority needed to penetrate advanced anti-aircraft environments.”  

Global Strike Command, which now includes Ellsworth Air Force Base, expects the arrival of the LRS-Bs by the mid-2020s.