Recent Press Releases

Thune Announces Disaster Relief Assistance Available for South Dakota Producers

SURE Program Will Help End Ad Hoc Disaster Programs

January 4, 2010

Washington, D.C. —  Senator John Thune today announced that South Dakota agricultural producers can now sign up for the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Program. The program is one of the permanent disaster relief programs Senator Thune helped to establish as part of the 2008 Farm Bill. Benefits are available to producers starting today, for losses from the 2008 and 2009 crop years. The 2008 Farm Bill authorized the SURE program through September 30, 2011.

“The farm safety net is designed to give farmers and ranchers a measure of peace of mind when natural disaster strikes,” said Thune. “Permanent disaster programs provide assurance that needed disaster funding will not be held up by political gamesmanship in Washington, as was too frequently the case in the past. I encourage affected South Dakota producers to learn more about the SURE program.”

Assistance is available to producers with land in counties with a USDA Secretarial Disaster Designation and contiguous counties. Outside of USDA Secretarial Disaster Designation and contiguous counties, producers whose actual crop production is less than 50 percent of normal are also eligible.

Interested producers should visit or visit their local Farm Service Agency Office for additional information. Senator Thune is a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee.