Office of Personnel Management: Description

The Office of Personnel Management’s job is to build a high quality and diverse Federal workforce, based on merit system principles that America needs to guarantee freedom, promote prosperity, and ensure the security of the United States. OPM works with the President, Congress, departments and agencies, and other stakeholders to implement human capital policies that assist Federal agencies in meeting their strategic goals. This is accomplished by recruiting citizens to Federal service, by serving as the main portal for employment information and connection job applicants with Federal agencies that need specific human resources and provides these agencies with policies and guidance that enable them to capitalize on these skills and talents. OPM strives to inspire Federal agencies to look to us for guidance, direction, and leadership when it comes to managing human capital. They do this by providing the best possible tools, resources, and expertise available.

Office of Personnel Management: Requirements

If you are experiencing a problem with the Office of Personnel Management, please complete, print, and sign the Privacy Act waiver.  You may fax or mail the completed form with any supporting documentation to the office that serves your area.
If you have any questions, please call our Washington Office at 866-850-3855.